I’m celebrating with a birthday montage!!
Eeeeeeeekkkkk !!!
I’m only 45 today !!!
.So I thought I’d do a birthday montage to cheer myself up ..( as you do ! 😜🤪🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣)
BUT ...
OMG !!..
I started my journey at 43 and 22st 6.5lbs .. Today I’m 45 & 12st 4 lbs !!! ...
And I absolutely LOVE the community I have found on here !!..
There has been some ups & downs , we have all had a tough year !!.. I’m another year older .. but I’m determined to get to target!!..
Keep going !
We can do this !
It really will change your life !!..
I’m. Over - 10 st off and really wanting-11 st off this year !!..
After today ( as I may have a wee treat !.. I think my mum has made me a cake ...!?!)
I’m hitting the floor running ( in my new work out gear !!)
The videos are going up on YouTube and Instagram.. and recipes!!.. it just got delayed as I had to do double shifts at work !!!
but this week I’m all over it !!!
my Instagram and YouTube link is in here ... it would be fab if you follow or subscribe on those too. !!! ( best birthday present ever ! Lol )
Love you all and talk soon !!
#exantediet #birthday #healthylifestyle #itsmybirthday #weightlossmotivation #slimmingworld #one2onediet #weightloss #weightlosstransformation #losingweight #loveyourself #healthyifestyle #instagoodmyphoto #beforeandafter #throwback🔙 #bodytransformation #progressnotperfection #extremeweightloss #workinprogress #learningtolovemyself #progress #bodypositivity #140lbsdown #bodytransformation #happy #myexantetransformation #fridaymotivation #weightlosscommunity #facetofacefriday #birthdaygirl