( Tastebuds love this one ! )
Last night I needed something that was a sweet treat.
I Needed something that felt naughty, but was 100% on plan ..
So I got out my old faithful of my Exante products... The Butterscotch Delight.
And it really is was ... a total delight !
And because I like to make things look pretty ( why not eh ?, just because we are on a diet , we still want it looking good ! ) I sprinkled some caramel flavoured Beanies coffee granules on top ! X
Absolutley Gorgeous!
Not much else to say , apart from they really are good !
I’ll be popping some more stuff up later , have a great day !
#exante #Weightloss #exantefamily #exantediet #exantejourney # losingweight #vlcd