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Down days .......

We all have them !

Sometimes you can wake up and just feel rubbish about yourself!.... We all get them !, I know I do xx

On Days like these I used to fall face first into something I shouldn’t ..

Normally very calorific and definitely not needed! But being on Exante has given me a new outlook on life, there are other things that I can do to make me feel good along with other things I can turn too.

This for sure doesn’t involve undoing all the hard work that I have put in, or all the things that I have accomplished.

So keep some ideas in mind, I like to have a pampered bubble bath or going for a swim or just taking some time to myself to do what I like to do and decompress.

You also can have a day were you just seem to be more hungry than normal where you find you have been doing your diet for a while, and you have been doing great, but for some reason it’s just not hitting the spot and you feel a wobble coming on.

Times like these can have you reaching for quick food that’s not on your plan, to stop this from happening, I like to keep cooked chicken or boiled eggs in the fridge or a packet of turkey ham.

This is high in protein low in kcal, so if I desperately need too or even if I’ve just been more active than normal, I know there is something little to have in the fridge, that I can grab ,as 50-100 kcals on some protein is a lot better than a doughnut or a biscuit, and if I do, I normaly just take it off my 200 kcals that I’m allowed extra for the day.

If you also get those days occasionally...just remember you are Definitely not alone! Xx

We all have them!

Take a deep breath, smile and be positive.

Be proud about what your doing and know that you have got this, life can throw us curve balls sometimes and we have to manage them as best we can.

So when those times happen, or something happens out of the ordinary to which it may upset your day, remind yourself of how far you have come along with what you have achieved so far! As falling off the wagon so to speak or because of a knee jerk reaction, can make you feel worse, so don’t let it ruin your day!

Be strong but also be kind to yourselves, but be as prepared as you can be.

know in yourself that you have this, and you are in control!

It’s a balancing act to be sure, but we can do it ! Xx

Kate xx

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Kate Cradduck
Kate Cradduck
2020년 1월 07일

Thankyou both xx It was definitely one of those days today ! Xxx ❤️ xx New day tomorrow xxx


2020년 1월 07일

Good advice Kate


Clare Parker
Clare Parker
2020년 1월 07일

Love this post and you are so right xx

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